FAQ for the Wacom Color Manager


Please note: These FAQ’s assume that the owner of a Cintiq 27 QHD Touch (Cintiq) is able to use the menu options and physical controls of the display as well as the pen and remote.

In this document, we will use the terms “Wacom Color Manager” and “Wacom Color Calibrator”. Although we may find that end users will use these terms interchangeably, we will identify the two separate terms and use them where appropriate.

Wacom Color Calibrator refers to the measurement device (colorimeter) that is set on the Wacom Cintiq 27 or other display to make the measurements. The Wacom Color Manager software will refer to the Wacom Color Calibrator simply as “Wacom Calibrator” in the menu selection on the home page of the Wacom Color Manager software program.



What is Wacom color Manager?

The Wacom® Color Manager, Powered by X-Rite, is an optional accessory designed to calibrate the Wacom Cintiq displays for customers where color management is prevalent in their workflow. The product consists of a colorimeter (able to measure emissive color) and calibration software.

What does "Powered by X-Rite" mean?

We have an OEM agreement in place with X-Rite, the global leader in color trends, science and technology. The Wacom Color Manager is a customized version of X-Rite’s i1DisplayPro monitor calibrator. X-Rite customized their calibration software so it talks directly to the display scalar in the Cintiq 27QHD and has auto adjustments to get more precise color, depending on the workflow mode selected. (These would include REC 709, sRGB, to name just a few color standards).

What Wacom products can be used with Wacom Color Manager?

The Wacom Color Manager is specifically customized for the Cintiq 27QHD display, but it will also work with all Cintiq displays (Cintiq 13HD, Cintiq 22HD) and Cintiq Companion (gen 1, gen 2 and Hybrid).


Out of box experience

I’ve just turned the Cintiq on. It doesn’t look like I expected?

Please keep in mind that your Cintiq requires approximately one hour to stablize for best color results. Also please consider that you are likely viewing the Cintiq at a very different angle to any other display connected to your computer. The Cintiq has both DisplayPort and HDMI inputs. We recommend you use DisplayPort for best results.


Before Installing Software

What operating systems are supported?

Wacom Color Manager is supported and fully tested on Windows 7, 8. Final testing for Windows 10 is in progress. Wacom Color Manager is supported and fully tested on Mac 10.8, 10.9, 10.10. Testing for 10.11 (El Capitan) will begin when a release version of this operating system is available.

Can I profile multiple displays on one computer?

Yes. Most computers will have video cards that can support two displays with separate ICC profiles. Four profiled displays per computer is the maximum possible with this software.

Do all my displays need to be Wacom brand?

You can use the Wacom Color Manager software with a non-Wacom display.

Where will I find additional technical support?

There are links to technical support on the bottom right corner of the home page of the software program. Also, there is context sensitive help in the program by choosing the Help screen, and hovering over an option with your pointing device.

I already own an X-Rite device. Can I use it with Wacom Color Manager software?

Yes. Owners of X-Rite i1PRO2 and i1Pro spectrophotometers can also use this program for display calibration. You will not be able to use Wacom Color Manager software with an X-Rite branded i1Display PRO.

The Wacom Color Manager software looks very similar to i1Profiler software from X-Rite. Can I use i1Profiler software instead?

The Wacom Color Manager software is based on i1Profiler technology. But please use the Wacom Color Manager software in order to access the hardware color controls to achieve best results on a Cintiq 27QHD. Use of i1Profiler is possible, but not optimal.

Is there a Users Manual?

There is no PDF or physical manual for the Wacom Color Manager software. You will find links to technical resources on the home page of the program, as well as a context sensitive help menu option in the program.



When I launch the Wacom Color Manager program, it says “Powered by X-Rite”. Who do I contact for assistance?

Wacom Color Manager software is fully supported by Wacom. X-Rite color technology is used by this program, and your measurement device was manufactured by X-Rite. But please contact Wacom support for all questions or concerns.

Every profiling mode in the program is labeled “DEMO”. Why is that?

Until you connect the Wacom Color Calibrator to a USB port, the software will show DEMO for all functions. Once you connect the Wacom Color Calibrator device, the Display and Projector icons will become active. You could also connect an X-Rite i1Pro or i1PRO2 spectrophotometer to enable display profiling.

Printer profiling and scanner profiling are labeled “DEMO”. Why is that?

Connecting the Wacom Color Calibrator will permit display or projector profiling. You will need to have the Wacom Color Calibrator connected for these functions to be available. The software does have the ability to be used for printer and scanner profiling, but you will need to have an X-Rite spectrophotometer connected to use those features. You could connect an i1Pro, i1PRO2, i1 iO table, i1 iSis or i1 iSis2 model to enable printer profiling. Please note that your i1 spectrophotometer must already contain i1Profiler licenses for printer or scanner profiling to allow Wacom Color Manager software to create a printer or scanner profile.

Can I use the Wacom Color Calibrator with X-Rite’s ColorTRUE mobile profiling app?

Yes, you will be able to use X-Rite’s ColorTRUE app to profile an iOS or Android device with the Wacom Color Calibrator. Any iOS device running iOS7 or higher will be supported, as well as selected Android devices running Android 4.0.4 and higher. If the ColorTRUE app is not found in the GooglePlay store, then that Android device is not a supported device. Use of the Wacom Color Calibrator with an iOS device will require a peer-to-peer network connection. Use on an Android device will require a USB On-the-Go adaptor to permit device connection.

What’s the difference between choosing Basic or Advanced mode on the home screen?

The Basic mode will set correct settings for color temperature, luminance and contrast, then display the colors needed to create the ICC profile. This quick procedure will give a good result on the Cintiq 27 display. The Advanced mode will use the Automatic Display Calibration feature and do an in-depth setting of the hardware color controls in the display before displaying the colors needed to create a profile. Using the Advanced mode will give an excellent result, but will take a longer time. Graphics professionals and color critical users will find many industry specific option choices available in this mode.


Will Advanced mode build a better profile than Basic mode?

Yes, the Advanced mode offers direct control of the color control hardware built into the Cintiq 27, and can produce a better result. In the Licensing area on the home screen, the last four icons have a red question mark. What’s wrong? Those red question marks refer to licenses for printer and scanner profiling. You would need to use an X-Rite i1 family spectrophotometer for those question marks to change to green checkmarks.

In Application Info on the home screen, what is XRD?

XRD refers to X-Rite Device Services. This is software that automatically loads when you launch Wacom Color Manager, and then handles device communication with the software. This allows us to update device communication features separately to updating the entire software program.

Can I use Wacom Color Manager hardware and software to calibrate non-Wacom displays, as well as, other Cintiq models?

Yes. When using with displays other than the Ciniq27QHD, please uncheck the ADC (Automatic Display Control) box when setting up your profile. This will force the WCM software to use alternate methods to search for display and video card Look-Up Tables (LUTs).


Basic Settings

How long does my Cintiq 27 need to warm up?

We would recommend at least one hour before creating a new color profile.

What Cintiq 27 menu settings do I need to choose?

When you use the Wacom Color Manager software, the on-screen display (OSD) will be locked. Conversely, when you have the OSD open, the Wacom Color Manager software will not see the USB communication from the display to the computer. The USB communication is the restriction, and it will be controlled by the OSD’s state.

Should I mirror my Cintiq 27 if I have two displays?

When creating a monitor profile, you do not want to mirror your displays. Either uncheck Mirror option or choose Extended Displays depending on your operating system.

Why would I choose Native vs. the other options?

Many design creative users will want to use the full color gamut possible on the Cintiq, and do not require that the display correspond to any industry specification. Alternately, the Cintiq 27 offers the ability to be specifically set for use with industry color space descriptions such as AdobeRGB and Rec. 709. Your specific choice will vary depending on your needs.

In the RGB Primaries, I have options for Custom Xy, Custom Uv. What should I choose?

Use of these custom options would normally be done when trying to ensure that a number of identical Cintiq 27 displays needed to be set to the same color settings.


Is Native the Best RGB Primary Setting?

There is no “best” choice in color settings, as it is very dependent on the end user and graphic workflow in use. However, setting to Native would be a reasonable choice for a graphic artist who is using the Cintiq as a creative medium. Other RGB setting choices are more industry specific.

How long does my Cintiq 27 need to warm up?

We would recommend at least one hour before creating a new color profile.

What Cintiq 27 menu settings do I need to choose?

When you use the Wacom Color Manager software, the on-screen display (OSD) will be locked. Conversely, when you have the OSD open, the Wacom Color Manager software will not see the USB communication from the display to the computer. The USB communication is the restriction, and it will be controlled by the OSD’s state.

Should I mirror my Cintiq 27 if I have two displays?

When creating a monitor profile, you do not want to mirror your displays. Either uncheck Mirror option or choose Extended Displays depending on your operating system.

Why would I choose Native vs. the other options?

Many design creative users will want to use the full color gamut possible on the Cintiq, and do not require that the display correspond to any industry specification. Alternately, the Cintiq 27 offers the ability to be specifically set for use with industry color space descriptions such as AdobeRGB and Rec. 709. Your specific choice will vary depending on your needs.

In the RGB Primaries, I have options for Custom Xy, Custom Uv. What should I choose?

Use of these custom options would normally be done when trying to ensure that a number of identical Cintiq 27 displays needed to be set to the same color settings.

Is Native the Best RGB Primary Setting?

There is no “best” choice in color settings, as it is very dependent on the end user and graphic workflow in use. However, setting to Native would be a reasonable choice for a graphic artist who is using the Cintiq as a creative medium. Other RGB setting choices are more industry specific.


Basic Measurement

In Measurement Instrument, it says “i1PRO not found”.

On the home screen of the program, you choose if you are using a Wacom Calibrator, or a different device, such as an i1Pro/i1PRO2. Please go back to the home screen and change to Wacom Color Calibrator. You will see the image change to match your measurement device’s appearance.

In Calibration Setup, What is Calibration Preset – Calibration 1?

Wacom Color Manager can save the color calibration settings to one of two settings stored in the display. This allows you to have two different color settings that are easily selected by the display’s menu. Someone who worked in both print and video mediums could choose to use AdobeRGB and save to Calibration 1 setting for print work, and then choose Rec. 709, saving to Calibration 2 settings for video projects.


Basic ICC Profile

Can I change the file name used to save my profile?

Once you’ve saved an ICC profile, you do not want to change the file name. ICC (also called ICM) profiles have external names and internal names. When you change the external name, you change what you see in a file listing. However, the software programs that need to use that profile look to the internal names. So changing an external name will cause the profile to not be found if you were to look for it, in an application program.

In Profile Distribution, my Mac’s System Level is “Not Writable”. Why?

The recent versions of the Mac OS have restricted the access to the System Level Library folder. Saving your profile to the User Level is correct. An expert user could change this setting, but we advise against it.

Can I make changes in my menu settings after creating and saving my profile?

If, after you create and save a monitor profile in Wacom Color Manager, you then go and make physical changes to the OSD settings for brightness, contrast or color cast, you will be invalidating the profile you created. If you do make any such changes, please note them, so you can change them back when you wish to restore the color result from the profile most recently created or chosen.


Advanced Display Settings

Where did the Help Screen go? It was there when I used Basic mode.

When you open the Advanced mode, the Help screen will now change to an Asset View. You can choose the Help screen vs. the Asset view, by clicking on the Help icon in the lower left area of the program.

I measured my Ambient Light levels. Why do I get two measurements? (lx and cd/m2)

Ambient light levels can be expressed in different units of measurement. Lx refers to Lux, and would be a unit of measurement used in video or scientific environments. Cd/m2 refers to Candela per square meter, and is a more commonly used unit of measurement in the photographic and printing industries.

I measured my other (non-Wacom) display’s luminance. Now what?

If you are using two displays, setting them to the same luminance level is critical if you wish to see similar color results. Display color temperature will change with the luminance level set, so establishing a common luminance setting is an important step in making displays look more similar. The Wacom Color Manager software will automatically adjust the luminance of the Cintiq 27 display to the desired level. You will need to duplicate this luminance level of a non-Wacom display by manually adjusting the brightness level of the display.

I measured my paper. Why do I need to do this?

Many graphic artists who use the Cintiq 27 will want to represent work that would be done on a paper surface other than “white”. Measurement of an actual paper stock will allow the Cintiq 27 to correctly display work done for a specific substrate (paper).

I don’t have a light booth. Can I still use the measure paper feature?

When you are measuring a paper stock, the color of the light source will influence the color that the Wacom Color Calibrator will capture. Using a light booth will ensure that you are capturing under a known lighting condition for greater accuracy. If there is less control over the lighting used during capture, the accuracy of the paper color representation may suffer.


Advanced Patch Set

What’s the difference between Small, Medium and Large patch sets?

By using a larger number of color values for measurement, the software has the ability to make a more accurate profile. However not all images may show a visual difference or improvement by choosing a larger number of patch values. We would recommend you start with the Small patch set, in order to have a baseline for evaluation, should you choose to try the other larger patch sets. Yes, a larger patch set will take more time to measure.

I’m clicking on “Patches from Spot Colors”, or “Patches from Image”, but nothing’s happening. Why?

You can import specific colors from images (TIFF or JPEG) or from spot color files saved from other X-Rite software (CxF file format). Clicking on the icon to import those values is not sufficient. You would need to select those image or spot color files by file name. Please note that this isn’t a requirement, but an option for a customized display profile.

What do the Page Data “Load” and “Save” buttons do? Do I need to use them?

One benefit of the Advanced mode is the ability to save information at any point in the workflow. Many people would choose to save their measurement file prior to moving to the final stage of creating the display profile. Being able to review a measurement file can be helpful if you encounter an error in creating a profile. You can then reload that saved measurement file and see if a change in profile creation settings will allow you to complete the profile. This saves considerable time vs. having to redo the entire measurement process.


Advanced Measurement

What does “Selected Calibration Matrix, GB LED” mean?

GB LED is the specific illumination hardware technology used by the Cintiq 27. This is automatically selected when the software recognizes the Cintiq is in use. Many other displays will use other lighting technologies, such as White LED. GB LED illumination offers many technical advantages in rendering more accurate color on-screen.

The Display Hardware Setup choices are greyed out? Why?

When you select the Cintiq 27 to be the display to be calibrated, the software automatically recognizes the required settings, so you do not need to select them.

Do I always need to choose a Calibration Preset?

Yes, when using Wacom Color Manager software with the Cintiq 27, you will always want to determine if you wish to save to the Calibration 1 or Calibration 2 preset.

I’ve entered the Automatic Display Control mode, but need to stop the process. Where’s the Stop or Cancel button?

The Automatic Display Control (ADC) feature can take a number of minutes with the Cintiq 27, due to the very complete control of the hardware offered. The current version of the software doesn’t have a cancel button available until the ADC feature completes. We would recommend that you allow the ADC process to complete to avoid having the display end up in an unstable color condition.


Advanced ICC Profile

I’m clicking on “Create and Save Profile” but nothing’s happening. Why?

In the workflow selector across the bottom of the Wacom Color Manager software, you can jump between any of the steps in the workflow as required. The most common cause of not being able to save a profile would be accidentally selecting the profile icon before you completed the Measurement step. Click on the Measurement icon and after the measurements have been completed, you’ll be able to save the profile.


My Displays Don't Match!

This is an extremely common condition, usually caused by comparing two displays of different manufacturers, often of radically different quality levels. When comparing two different displays, you need to establish that they both are using the same color temperature, luminance, gamma, and contrast settings at a minimum. Another very important aspect to consider is the viewing angle each display is using. Most Cintiq 27 owners will be using their display as a drawing surface as well as color display, and it will be set to a completely different angle than an existing display not used for drawing More often than not, owners of LCD monitors or other Cintiq displays (even very expensive ones) are not fluent, or even aware of the basic menu settings possible, or special features their monitor might need to disable. If someone isn’t able to adjust the brightness on their other display, then it is very likely that they haven’t been seeing correct color on their other display. This makes comparison between the Cintiq and another display very challenging, and possibly misleading. One suggestion for those times when you are required to investigate a “difference” in Cintiq 27 vs. another display, would be to obtain the ICC profile that the Wacom Color Manager software will save. You can simply drag and drop that profile onto the ICC profile icon in the workflow, and that will load all the settings used for that other display’s profile. Often you’ll see immediately that they’ve chose settings for the two displays that wouldn’t normally make them look similar. It may be simple human nature, but we normally assume the first instance of something to be the “reference standard”, such as the first time you hear a vocalist perform a song. It’s impossible to avoid some degree of comparison between two examples of an image on two separate displays, and due to the factors already mentioned. It can be challenging to make two dissimilar displays look “identical”. A recommendation would be to direct the support call by saying “I’m here to make sure you’re seeing correct color on the Cintiq 27, so let’s review how you’re using our software on our display. That’s something that I can help you with.”


Time Needed to Create Display Profile

(Note: We will assume that most people will be using the Wacom Color Calibrator. Other X-Rite devices such as the i1PRO2 can be used, but will take longer.) Each computer configuration can differ in terms of how long the measurement and computation of a display profile will require.

Basic Mode

On our test systems, this ranged between 3 to 5 minutes. We will call this “1 unit of profile creation time”.

Advanced Mode: Small Patch Set

3 units of profile creation time.

Advanced Mode: Medium Patch Set

4 units of profile creation time.

Advanced Mode: Large Patch Set

5 units of profile creation time.


Known Errors and Issues

Using Custom X,Y (Custom Color) in WCM causes WCM to crash

Yes. The default settings for the x.y values in the Custom X,Y selection are inaccurate. Please enter valid x,y values and try the calibration again. Also, choosing “Default” checkbox will set a median x,y value. Both will keep the WCM from crashing. A fix is in the works currently

I am trying to profile my display, but WCM is reporting a communication error. What should I do?

Clicking the “Retry” button, and being patient, will generally overcome this issue. Sometimes it may take a little longer for WCM to establish the connection to the Cintiq27QHD Look-Up Table (LUT). Make sure you have rebooted your computer after installing the Wacom drivers. The driver installer will need to install a special file to make the WCM-Display LUT functional and it requires a reboot. If you are still not having any luck, please try the following:

§  Plug the WCM calibration hardware directly into the computer

§  Plug the USB cable from the Cintiq27QHD directly into the computer

If already in the computer, swap out the USB 3.0 cable with the included USB 2.0 cable. Sometimes USB 3.0 cables can causes interference with other signals. This will usually clear this up


Escalation Process

What is the escalation process for X-Rite Support?

Wacom handles Tier1/2/3 support. If Tier 3 cannot solve the issue, the Tier 3 support specialist will escalate the issue to X-Rite Support: Below are the X-Rite contacts for Wacom to use when escalating to X-Rite for support. These are email and phone numbers for contacting our various support teams globally. Support and maintenance will be available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm (17:00) local times.

The Americas

Email: cmsupport@xrite.com Phone: 888-826-3044 option 3


Email: EMEATechSupport@xrite.com Phone: 00800 700 300 01

Asia (Shanghai)

Email: APTechSupport@xrite.com Phone: 86 21 6448 1155 ext 14


Email: eokamatsu@xrite.com Phone: 81-3-6825-1641